National Donate Life Month

April is National Donate Life Month, and we start the month by participating in a statewide Donate Life flag-raising ceremony and moment of silence to honor donors and their families and promote the mission of organ, tissue, and eye donation.
Simultaneously, with dozens of other Wisconsin hospitals and organizations, Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin (LEBW) will raise our Donate Life flag at 10:08 a.m. to highlight the fact that 1 donor can save eight lives. We’ll then observe a moment of silence for 1 minute and 12 seconds to recognize the more than 112,000 patients waiting for a life-saving transplant.
The Donate Life Flag, introduced in 2006, has become a national symbol of unity, remembrance, and hope while honoring those touched by donation and transplantation. During the past 12 years, 50,000 Donate Life Flags have flown across America.
For more information about Pause to Give Life or how you can get involved, contact Michele Brooks, LEBW Marketing Manager, at [email protected] or 877.233.2354 x250.
For more information about how you can become an organ, eye, and tissue donor, click here.