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Get involved with Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin

Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin volunteers directly support the mission of our organization and provide awareness and education on the impact of donation. They represent LEBW, providing support to donor families, transplant recipients, donation partners, healthcare professionals, and our community. Volunteers are donor families, transplant recipients, Lions Club members, advocates of donation, community members and more, who want to actively and locally promote the donor registry, organ, eye, and tissue donation and educate others on the mission and reach of LEBW. You are a LEBW Volunteer! LEBW volunteers pledge to offer their diverse skills, talents, and experiences as resources to grow awareness of LEBW so that more people choose to be a donor, helping those in need.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

For more information, contact Eden Brunson, Communications and Outreach Coordinator, at [email protected] or 877.233.2354 ext. 275. Follow our social media pages for up-to-date information about volunteer opportunities.

Top Ten Reasons To Be A LEBW Volunteer

1. You will bring our mission of saving and enhancing lives to new and diverse communities statewide.

2. You can help grow the LEBW mission by expending our services, reaching communities all over Wisconsin!

Scenic Small Town Nestled in Autumn Valley, Beautiful Rural Wisconsin Fall colors.

3. You will help mobilize the public to sign up on the donor registry.

Volunteer shaking hands with woman at food bank

4. You will meet people impacted by donation and transplantation, hear their personal stories and help to collaborate and build a community.

Two people connecting giant puzzle pieces together outdoors in front of a sunset

5. Donor family members may find help transitioning through grief to healing.

A Caucasian married couple share a tender moment during a grief recovery group session.

6. Transplant recipients can honor their donors stories, express gratitude, and give back to the community after receiving the gift of sight.

Female hands in the form of heart.

7. You will interact with our WI donation partners, community based organizations. Lions Clubs, donor families, transplant recipients and more.

A sign that says "Lion's Club" on the side of a stone building

8. You will receive current and accurate information about what's happening in donation.

A person changing wooden block letters from spelling "Fake" to spelling "Fact"

9. You can add your experience to a resume or portfolio.

A person reviewing their resume at their desk next to a MacBook with an alarm clock next to them

10. You can learn new skills, find avenues of continuing education, and take opportunities to exhibit leadership.

A woman standing on a street surrounded by skyscrapers looking up toward the sky looking confident