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LEBW Cumulative Giving Program

On January 1, 2021, LEBW began its new cumulative gift-giving program. From that date forward, donors will be recognized for their cumulative lifetime gifts to LEBW. Gifts from Lions Clubs, private or corporate donors, donations made in memory or honor of an individual(s), contributions designated for a specific fund, and all other avenues of giving are included when establishing a donor(s)  cumulative giving level.

We hope that providing more recognition and benefits to our donors will highlight the need for more support for essential programs such as charity care, donor family services, donor memorial garden, education and surgical training, and general operations. In addition, the donor(s) name will be prominently displayed at the LEBW office on a new interactive digital donor wall. Completion of the wall is expected by the end of June 2023.

  • $500 – Gift of Sight
  • $1,000 – Knight of Sight
  • $2,500 – Founder of Sight
  • $5,000 – Hope of Sight
  • $10,000 – Angel of Sight
  • $25,000 – Advocate of Sight
  • $50,000 – Ambassador of Sight
  • $100,000 – Innovator of Sight
  • $250,000 – Visionary of Sight
  • $500,000 – Helen Keller’s Inspiration of Sight

The Knight of Sight and Gift of Sight Fellowship Awards

A gift of $1,000 or more qualifies you for the prestigious Knight of Sight Fellowship, and a gift of $500 qualifies you for the Gift of Sight Fellowship Award. These awards can be given to an individual, organization, club, or group. The award recipient will receive a LEBW branded award folder with a custom certificate. The recipient’s name will also be prominently displayed at the LEBW office on a new interactive digital donor wall.  

A club may accumulate giving toward a Knight of Sight or Gift of Sight award in any fiscal year. The award recipient may be chosen by a Lions Club, Zone, or District. For Lions Clubs members, a Knight of Sight patch and lapel pin is available to recipients. Awards may also be given to honor the memory and work of an individual.

On behalf of the CEO, Board of Directors, and LEBW Staff, we commend you for your dedication, service, and commitment to helping provide the gift of sight. Your fellowship enhances Lions Eye Banks of Wisconsin programs as we work to end curable blindness worldwide.