A New Facility for Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin

Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin has moved!
Please make note of our new address:
5003 Tradewinds Parkway, Madison, WI 53718
Our main phone number will remain the same, 877.233.2354
Directions to the new LEBW facility:
- LEBW is located off Beltline Highway and Stoughton Road/US-51
- From the Beltline Highway, take Stoughton Road/US-51 South
- After approximately 1½ mile, take a left on Voges Road
- From Voges Road, take an immediate left on South Dutch Mill Road
- Follow South Dutch Mill Road until it turns into Tradewinds Parkway, approximately ½ mile
- LEBW is located on the right, on the corner of Jaden Drive and Tradewinds Parkway