Home // Stories of Hope // Louis R. Froehlich

Louis R. Froehlich

“Happy to help. Happy to play. Happy to love.”

These 3 statements have evolved into a simple phrase that has become the spirit of Louis’ of approach to life; since penned days after that traumatic night, when tragically he departed from this lifetime as a result of being struck by a drunken driver.

Louis was our 19 year old son, the youngest of our 2 boys; his nickname was Louie.

Louis lived life with a smile and joy towards others from the time he was a baby. He was such a happy kid who grew into a young man who was thoughtful of others by wanting to help make life easier and usually a lot more fun!

He loved to help his dad and brother with projects like building mini-bikes, go carts and wooden things. He was happiest being with his big brother, Cole, riding their mini bikes by our family camp site. He enjoyed playing baseball, swimming, snowboarding and spending time with us watching movies. He was self-taught in playing the drums, building bikes and RC cars and racing them. He loved to perform BMX bike tricks and backflips. Realizing his passion for high intensity sports, in high school he started diving on the school swim and dive team. His Senior year was an exciting moment to be named “Diver of the Year” for his regional area and accomplish a triple sumersault at the State Finals competition! But, for Louis it wasn’t about the attention or how well he placed, he was going to have fun with his teammates and pushing himself to the limits of gravity.

He was also an avid artist with black and white photography and hand painting designs on his RC car bodies and the bikes he built. He was a truly gifted human and talented in so many ways, but never a bragger. Although, his greatest gift in life was simply his presence. His presence had a way of making you feel joy and loved from time he was little. He showed compassion and empathy towards many in his life, that was just WHO he was, no…who he IS. We believe he may be gone from us physically but he IS still with us spiritually.

He grew up to be independent and was a hard worker and just starting his career in home building, working as a craftsman of painting/staining woodwork. He loved being part of his co-worker team working towards a common goal & meeting challenges. He built friendships along the way, among the young and old, and you could always expect a big hug from Louie. He was lovingly referred to by many kids as “my best friend!”

He was silly and goofy, Louis loved to make you smile and laugh. He would make up his own funny little sayings. Those sayings ring in our minds now to give moments of feeling close to him. One that gets us through the toughest days is recalling him say: “Ha ba ga da” that was

His big dream was to become a well know musician, playing drums in a band. He was 19 1/2 and super excited because he felt he finally met someone to start up a band. He had aspired to building a tiny home on wheels to be able to go across the country playing his music one day.

He had spiritual dreams, too. He was a follower of Jesus and was an active member of our church. He expressed one day of possibly becoming a Deacon. He was a carer and a sharer, with so much love to give.

He had a fierce love of his extended family of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and his 40+ cousins who are all so close, they are more like siblings! He impacted his family & friends with his happy-go-lucky personality and his way of including people. He was a role model for what a kind, Christian, and loving teen could be and we are deeply sorrowful to have lost his life and the chance to grow up with us and continue life’s adventures together here on this earth.

So we write this tribute on behalf of who he IS. As his mother and father we are honored to have been able to care for him, nurture him and our love for him as grown even deeper still. We desire to be part of his ripple effect to improve lives, through sharing his story that inspires others by his example in the action of checking “yes” on that box to donate organs.

What we want others to know most about our Louis is that he showed many people love, compassion, empathy and joy through his most beautiful blue eyes. “We walk by faith not by sight” that we will SEE him again.