Emily C. Lyons

In February 2015, Emily Lyons was involved in a snow mobile accident. Emily passed away during her Freshman year at UW-Lacrosse; she was on a path to become an optometrist. After the accident, Emily’s family was approached by a donor liaison regarding organ donation. They were shocked to find out that not only was Emily registered to be an organ, eye, and tissue donor on her driver’s license, but she even went so far as to register online as well.
Emily was able to provide the gift of sight, by restoring vision for two residents in need of a corneal transplants right here in Wisconsin. Emily also donated her tissue and organs which saved the lives of six people and improved the lives more than 50 people.
Now a mother on a mission, Dawn Lyons-Wood is doing her part to promote organ, eye, and tissue donation. Dawn has joined the local Beaver Dam Lions Club and feels strongly about the power of donation, “In a time of sadness, all we can do is focus on the positive. To me, Emily’s donation is our only positive. People who chose to donate do it out of kindness and love. Since Emily’s accident, my life has taken a completely different path. Due to this path, I have met some of the most amazing, loving, kind, and compassionate families.”
You can continue to support Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin and your local community by registering to become an organ, eye and tissue donor here.